

What is Pranic Healing?

“Parna” is the Sanskrit word for life force. It is called ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan.

Pranic Healing is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat illness. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered, researched and tested over decades with proven success by the founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

Pranic Healing has been described as a simple and yet very powerful technology that can be employed with immediate benefits to the patient.


What is This Life force?

Simply put, it is ENERGY!
All matter in the universe is fundamentally made up of – ENERGY!!!

It just isn’t your physical body we are talking about here. Do you know that your thoughts and feelings are nothing but energy waves that can actually be measured using instruments? Even your relationships and the amount of money you earn are all fundamentally energy ‘patterns’. What is fascinating is that all human beings have the innate ability to feel and ‘modify’ “energy”.



How does it work?

Pranic Healing corrects imbalances in the body’s energy field and transfers life force to the patient. This life force can also be characterized as universal energy; it is not the healer’s energy. Trained Pranic Healers access and transmit universal energy to the patient using specific frequencies and techniques for specific diseases and conditions
Pranic Healing is done without touching.

Pranic healing uses energy to help clients recover from a variety of illnesses. People who practice pranic healing believe that prana or life energy can help accelerate the healing process in the body. Everyone can heal themselves with pranic healing if they learn and practice it. Pranic healing is practiced all over the world.


Pranic Healing is a three-step process that substantially accelerates the body’s innate ability to heal at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

  • Checking – Scanning for energy abnormalities
  • Cleansing – Removing energy abnormalities: used to remove dirty or diseased energy in the body and to eradicate blockages in the energy channels
  • Energizing – the transference of fresh ‘prana’ or life energy to the body and is applied once the cleansing process is completed.

To give an example, when we cut our fingers or bruise our legs, our body automatically takes the necessary steps to prevent blood loss and repair the damaged tissues. Our bodies are constantly exposed to a variety of toxins, chemicals and pollutants from the environments we live in but our ‘in-built’ defense system fights of all these germs and protects us.

  When we are healthy and happy, we feel all charged up and are full of energy. When we are sick or upset, we feel down or drained out. In other words, a healthy body has an abundance of prana while a sick or dis-eased body is low on prana.

The healing process of an individual is accelerated by increasing the prana life force in them which is readily available from the sun, air and earth.


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