

Introduction of Yoga

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’

10 health benefits of daily yoga practice

 Improve flexibility, strength, and posture. Daily yoga practice will help stretch and tone your body muscles. …


1.Improve flexibility, strength, and posture

A few minutes a day practicing poses like the warrior or the downward facing dog, will soon make you really feel the difference in your flexibility, whether you’re pretty bendy already or not.

Practice Yoga base on your body potential, Yoga is not a competition!


 2.Better all-round fitness

Yoga gives you all that a gym can, but in a peaceful, safe and more holistic way. It combines aspects of cardio, functional and strength training all in one.


3.Weight loss

An everyday gentle yoga practice will fuel the metabolic system and will help burn fat, leading to weight loss. Daily yoga can also help restore the hormonal balance in your body, which can normalize your body weight.

4.Increase your energy

Just a few minutes of yoga every day will provide that much-needed energy boost in our busy lives and will keep us fresh for longer. Daily yoga practice will awaken the main energy centres (called chakras) in your body.


5.Reduce stress

Any yoga practice, even a short daily one, should be made up of three elements; poses, breathing and meditation. Practicing daily yoga increase awareness and concentrate which improve people’s quality of work. 

Relaxing yoga poses can calm both your body and your mind.


  6.Breathe better

Breathing deeply and calmly is an essential part of every yoga practice. Yogic breathing techniques (called pranayama) focus on trying to slow down the breath and on breathing fully from the pit of your stomach to the top of your lungs.


7.Be happier

Adding a few yoga poses to your daily routine can make you an emotionally stronger and happier person.

Just 15 minutes of yoga a day can change your brain chemistry and improve your mood.


 8.Become more mindful

Yoga and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. When practicing yoga, you will shift your awareness to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that accompany a given pose. That awareness will bring the mind back to the present moment – the main aim of mindfulness – where it can stay happy and focused.

 Yoga brings more awareness!


9.Improve concentration and think clearer

Yoga poses and meditation require you to concentrate on your breathing. This process of observing your breath calms your mind and makes you more mentally relaxed. Meditating for just a few minutes in the morning can result in better concentration throughout the day. The process of observing your breath calms your mind and makes you more mentally relaxed.


10.Live longer

As you now know, everyday yoga will help you increase your level of fitness, regulate your heart rate, reduce your stress levels and make you a happier person. All those elements may add valuable years to your life.

It’s also known that yoga decreases the risk of heart disease, and it reduces the pace of your breathing which has been directly linked to a longer lifespan. Recent studies have shown that the meditation element of yoga might help delay the process of ageing by protecting the telomeres (caps) at the end of our chromosomes, too.



What more excuses do you need to hit the mat?

 In Temple of Heal we offer:

private and semiprivate yoga

 chair yoga

Laughter Yoga

 Kids Yoga


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